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About St Mary's
Teachtaireacht ón bPríomhoide
Meet Our Staff
Mission Statement and Ethos
School Policies
School Hours
School History
Board of Management
Parent's Assocation
School Uniform
School Booklists
School Calendar
St Mary's School Scoop
School Initiatives
School Musical
Green Schools
Active Schools Flag
Student Council
Gaeilge i Scoil Naomh Mhuire
Extra-Curricular Activities
Class News
Junior Infants
JI - Ms. Greer
JI - Ms. Lambe
JI - Ms. O'Gara
JI - Ms. McMyler
Senior Infants
SI - Ms. McLaughlin
SI - Ms. Lynch
SI - Ms. O'Callaghan
1st Class
1st Class - Ms. O'Carroll
1st Class - Ms. D'Arcy
1st Class - Ms. Finnegan
2nd Class
2nd Class - Ms. O'Loughlin
2nd Class - Ms Stack
2nd Class - Ms. Francis
3rd Class
3rd Class - Ms. Ward
3rd Class - Ms. Murphy
3rd Class - Ms. Jeffers
4th Class
4th Class - Ms. Doyle
4th Class - Mr. O'Briain
4th Class - Ms. Hackett
5th Class
5th Class - Ms. Lyons
5th Class - Mr. Murray
5th Class - Mr. Keenan
6th Class
6th Class - Mr. Moriarty
6th Class - Ms. O'Donnell
6th Class - Ms. Greene
The Meadow Class
The Meadow Class - Ms. Goggins
Contact Us
Pupil Transfer applications now available for September 2025:
Walk on Wednesday!
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3rd Oct 2023
As it is Walk to School Week, we are asking children, where possible, to make a big effort to walk to school this week, especially tomorrow! The children can wear ODD SOCKS tomorrow to mark WOW Day (Walk on Wednesday).