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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

Rediscovering Roman Aqueducts: A Third-Class Building Adventure in S.T.E.M.

26th Jan 2023
Rediscovering Roman Aqueducts: A Third-Class Building Adventure in S.T.E.M.

In the world of S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), hands-on experiences are invaluable for fostering a deep understanding of the subject matter. What better way to engage students and ignite their passion for engineering than by embarking on an exciting project to recreate the marvels of ancient Rome?

Understanding the Roman Aqueducts: The Roman aqueducts, remarkable feats of engineering, were the lifelines of ancient cities, transporting water over vast distances to meet the needs of bustling communities. These structures showcased the ingenuity and technical prowess of Roman engineers, who designed aqueducts with precise gradients and innovative engineering solutions to conquer challenging terrains.

The Journey Begins: With their curiosity piqued by the stories of ancient Rome, a group of enthusiastic third-class students embarked on a unique S.T.E.M. project—to build a functioning model of a Roman aqueduct. They delved into the history and engineering principles that made these aqueducts possible.

Research and Design: To create an accurate and functional replica, the students began their project by conducting in-depth research on Roman aqueducts. They explored the architectural aspects, materials used, and the techniques employed in construction. They also discovered the role of gravity, calculations of water flow rates, and the significance of maintaining a consistent gradient.

Building the Aqueduct: Putting their plan into action, the students meticulously constructed the aqueduct, employing the engineering principles they had learned. They experimented with various materials and techniques to replicate the arches, channels, and pillars that characterized the Roman aqueducts. Working collaboratively, they faced challenges along the way, encouraging problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking.

Celebrating Success: Finally, the moment of truth arrived as the students tested their miniature Roman aqueduct. With bated breath, they released water into the system, and to their delight, it flowed seamlessly from start to finish. The sense of accomplishment and pride in their creation was palpable, reinforcing their passion for S.T.E.M. and igniting a desire to explore further.

The journey of building a Roman aqueduct allowed these third-class students to go beyond the boundaries of their textbooks and experience the wonder of engineering firsthand. By merging history and S.T.E.M., they not only gained knowledge but also developed crucial skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and perseverance. As they continue their educational journey, this immersive project will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for their future exploration and contribution to the world of science and engineering.