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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

November Update

22nd Nov 2022

Here is a little update on all the work we have been doing in senior infants. We have been sticking to the theme of 'food' and 'the café' this month and as part of this theme we have been building cafés using lego, writing menus for the café, creating some of our favourite meals from play dough and even role playing a café scene. In Irish we have been focusing on learning about bia (food) and here are some of the new words we have learned.

Cáis- cheese

Bainne- milk

Arán- bread

Tráta- tomato

práta- potato


For art we stuck to our theme and created mixed textured burgers as well as using oil pastels to create some pretty cakes.

We have been busy bees!


We have also been working hard at our sounds as part of jolly phonics and we have just started group 5 this week.