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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

March Round Up in Junior Infants

29th Mar 2023

Superhero Investigation and Capacity Challenge:

We had a lot of fun investigating which footprint belonged to each superhero. We had to work together to solve the problem and measure the footrpints using cubes. It was tricky, but we enjoyed the challenge, nonetheless!

We also participated in some activities based on the topic of 'Capacity'. We worked on lots of vocabulary relating to the topic. In the activity here, we had to sort the containers into two groups, one being full and the other empty.

National Tree Week:

Seeing as it was National Tree Week, we got outside to explore our environment. We searched for rowan trees and we completed a scavenger hunt. It was nice to see some sun and the children's new snap caps being put to good use!

Easter Week:

We created lots of masterpieces this week to prepare for Easter celebrations over the coming weeks. Check out the pictures to see our Easter chicks and stained glass window eggs.