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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

Car-Free Day at St. Mary's a big success!

13th Oct 2022

The empty carparks at both Mount Eden and Belmont campuses were a sight to behold! Not one single car. All the teachers and staff of St. Mary's made the effort today to come to school without the car in tandem with the children for Car-Free Day in one of our ACTIONS for Climate Action Week. In total, the staff travelled 198.45 km one way to school today on foot, by bike, on the bus (two buses in some cases) and by Luas. Another teacher travelled from Co. Kildare which involved a bus journey of 45 minutes and a walk of 40 minutes while two teachers even ran to school (one 9km and one 7km)! If we double the distance travelled this morning for the return journey, that is almost 400km of CO2 emissions avoided today by the staff alone! Think about the impact we are making, as a school, when we scoot, cycle, walk, car-pool, park 'n stride and even run to school!!! A fantastic effort everyone! Keep it up!