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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

Bikes in Abundance - 356 BIKES in total on COW (cycle on Wednesday) Day! 15th May 2024

15th May 2024

WOW!  Never have we seen so many bikes in St. Mary's.  Every available space was taken up in our bike racks with the surplus attached to railings, trees, posts and flag poles!   A fabulous effort by the children and parents.  Thank you so much. 

Many thanks to our Greenschool's Committee for helping the children to find a parking space each morning this week on Bike Week and for helping with locks etc.   Thanks also to them for setting up and dismantling the obstacle course each day.   

We have just calculated the number of bikes on-site for COW Day between Mt. Eden and Bemont and it was a staggering 356 bikes in total!!!  Isn't that fabulous!   Well done all.