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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

8th Sep 2023
Here are some photos from our first day in Senior Infants!
8th Sep 2023
Today, the children looked at their faces in a mirror before drawing their self portrait.  Everyone...
6th Sep 2023
Ms. Francis' Second Class have had a fantastic first week back of school. We are...
5th Sep 2023
The wonderful boys and girls in Ms. Lynch's Senior Infants have settled in so well. Here...
1st Sep 2023
Well done to all the boys and girls in Junior Infants for completing their first...
31st Aug 2023
It was so lovely to welcome the boys and girls back to school today. We had a great...

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
The roles were reversed in June as the boys and girls in First Class became teachers....