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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

3rd Oct 2023
As it is Walk to School Week, we are asking children, where possible, to make a big...
3rd Oct 2023
Thanks to Síomha for bringing in this lovely story 'Fletcher and the Falling...
3rd Oct 2023
We have started learning all about the season of autumn in Junior Infants. Our autumn...
2nd Oct 2023
The children did a super job of identifying, copying and extending patterns as part...
2nd Oct 2023
We have been learning all about the signs of autumn here in Junior Infants. The change...
1st Oct 2023
The children are developing their mathematical language and skills through a hands-on...
30th Sep 2023
We have been learning about the artist Henri Rousseau and creating our own jungle...
30th Sep 2023
We have had a lovely month settling into First Class and getting to know each other....
29th Sep 2023
In our science lesson, we were learning about our lungs. In pairs, we completed an...