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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

7th Nov 2023
31st Oct 2023
27th Oct 2023
Our amazing Student Council and Prize Winners. Thank you for all your support for...
27th Oct 2023
We really enjoyed showing off our costumes today while raising money for Temple Street...
27th Oct 2023
Our Buddy Class for this year is Ms. Flood's 6th Class. We are so lucky that they...
27th Oct 2023
Our class became mathematicians for Maths Week. We had fun solving challenges, working...
27th Oct 2023
We have been embracing the seasonal changes autumns brings. All of 2nd Class went...
27th Oct 2023
We have had a fantastic week celebrating Halloween and all things spooky! We hope...
26th Oct 2023
The children brought in leaves, acorns, conkers and lots of amazing contributions...