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Saint Mary's National School, Dublin

4th classes Investigate Woodlands at Mount Eden

14th Nov 2022

We were delighted to have Biodiversity Officer, Clare Patten, from Greenschools Ireland return to our school last Friday to host two 'Investigating Woodlands' workshops. 4th class students had lots of fun and really engaged with the activities during the workshops. Despite the blustery day, the children played the 'seed' and 'shrinking forest' games in the yard and learned about the negative impact of cutting down trees without replacing / replanting. They learnt how to calculate the age and height of a tree which involved a bit of tree-hugging and turning upside-down! Later the children used swatches and identifier sheets to work in groups identifying trees on our site. Clare brought along two native Irish bare-route Hazel trees which the children planted. A big thank you to Clare and Greenschools for the fantastic workshops!